Verb Correction in English Grammar for all Ex.4

quiz in Javascript Self-Assessment Test 4 Choose the correct option verb Question of Next Good Try! You've Got out of answers correct! That's Try again until you get all green View Forms of the Verbs Self-Assessment Test - Verb Correction No.3 Self-Assessment Test - Subject-verb Agreement Test No.1 Self-Assessment Test - Verb Correction No.2

Choose the correct option |is, are, am & has, have| Essential English Grammar in Use

How to use is, are & am in English

'is' is used with a Singular Noun and 'are' is used with a Plural Noun 

1. He ___ my brother.   

Explanation: He is my brother. 

2. They ____ very good players.   

Explanation: They are very good players. 

4. She ___ a very good teacher.

Explanation: She is a very good teacher. 

5. There ___ clouds somewhere in the sky. 

Explanation: There are clouds somewhere in the sky.

6. Ali ___ my best friend. 

Explanation: Ali is my best friend.

7. It ___ Monday today.   

Explanation: It is Monday today.

8. The rose ___ a beautiful flower.   

Explanation: The rose is a beautiful flower. 

9. My hair ___ brown. 

Explanation: My hair is brown. 

10. I ___ fond of reading  

Explanation: I am fond of reading. 

Click to attempt the use of was , were and did

11. She ___ watching the match. 

Explanation: She is watching the match. 

12. She ___ my Physics teacher.  

ANSWER= (C) is 
Explanation: She is my Physics teacher. 

Click here to attempt a Test of Singular and Plural Verb

13. We ___ eating apples.

ANSWER= (B) are 
Explanation: We are eating apples.

14. The dog ___ a faithful animal. 

ANSWER= (C) is
Explanation: The dog is a faithful animal. 

15. The book ___ on the table.  

ANSWER= (B) is  
Explanation: The book is on the table.

Choose the correction preposition to fill in the blank.

16. The keys ___ in the cupboard.  

ANSWER= (C) are 
Explanation: The keys are in the cupboard. 

17. My elder sister ___ a doctor.   

ANSWER= (B) is 
Explanation: My elder sister is a doctor. 

Click here to learn the SIX BASIC RULES for correction

18. My friends ___ good people. 

ANSWER= (B) are 
Explanation: My friends are good people. 

19.  My pen ___ lost. 

Explanation: My pen is lost.  

Click here to attempt a Test of Singular and Plural Verb

20. Who ___ that?  

ANSWER= (B) is 
Explanation: Who is that? 

Use of has , have , had in English

'has' is used with he, she, it and a Singular Noun.

For Example:

  • She has good books.
  • He has good knowledge of History.
  • Ali has his books.

'have' is used with I, we, they, you and a Plural Noun.

For Example:

  • They have good books.
  • You have good knowledge of History.
  • Children have many toys. 

21. She ___ good books today.   

ANSWER= (B) has 
Explanation: She has good books. 

22. She ____ taken the exams. 

ANSWER= (B) has
Explanation: She has taken the exams. 

23. You ___ my books.  

ANSWER= (B) have
Explanation: You have my books.

24. They ____ many friends.


Explanation: They have many friends. 

25. She has no money. 

ANSWER= (B) has 
She has no money.

26. The gardener ___ new plants.

ANSWER= (B) has
The gardener has new plants.

27. He ___ a lot of money.

ANSWER= (B) has
He has a lot of money.

28. December ___ thirty-one days.    

ANSWER= (B) has
Explanation: December has thirty-one days.

29. He ____ a big house. 

ANSWER= (A) has 
Explanation: He has a big house. 

30. Watermelon ___ many seeds.  

ANSWER= (A) has
Explanation: Watermelon has many seeds. 


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