Verb Correction in English Grammar for all Ex.4

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Conditional Sentences for English Learning Ex 1

Grammar Quizzes

Conditional Sentences Self-Assessment Test

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Conditional Sentences in English Grammar:
Zero Conditional (universal truth, Scientific knowledge, Mathematical calculation, Proverbs, & Facts)
Present Tense + Present Tense
If do not water the plants, they die.

First Conditional ( Future assumption)
Present Tense + Future Tense
If he works hard, he will pass the examination.
If he comes we shall play the game.

Second Conditional (Hypothetical condition in Past)
Past Tense + Modal Verb
If he came, we would play the match.
Third Conditional (Hypothetical condition in the Past but irrevocable)
Past Perfect Tense + Modal Verb (would /should/ could/ might have + Past Participle)
If we had played well we would have won the final match.


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Verb Correction in English Grammar for all Ex.4