Verb Correction in English Grammar for all Ex.4

quiz in Javascript Self-Assessment Test 4 Choose the correct option verb Question of Next Good Try! You've Got out of answers correct! That's Try again until you get all green View Forms of the Verbs Self-Assessment Test - Verb Correction No.3 Self-Assessment Test - Subject-verb Agreement Test No.1 Self-Assessment Test - Verb Correction No.2

FLP-3 | Use correct form of the verbs for NMDCAT and NUMS

Full Length Paper 3 for NMDCAT & NUMS

1. She is not as intelligent as her sister is. 

Explanation: She is not so intelligent as her sister is.

2. He is more senior than me. 

Explanation: He is senior to me. (prior to, junior to, superior to etc)

4. Those who are ill-mannered, one should mend their manner.

Explanation: Those who are ill-mannered should mend their manner. 

5. Dog is a faithful animal.

Explanation: The dog is a faithful animal. ('the dog' represents the whole class)

6. He has been London.

Explanation: He has been to London.

7. There is little honour in politics. 

Explanation: There is a little honour in politics.

8. I went to Lahore with a view to seek to admission

Explanation: The children are looking forward to the holidays.

9. You will get used to offer prayer's regularly. 

    You will get use to offering prayers regularly.
    You will get used to offer prayers regularly.
Explanation: You will get used to offering prayers regularly.

Click here to see the Questions of the students.

10. The teacher reprimanded the students badly. 

Explanation: The teacher reprimanded the students. (adverb, 'badly' is redundant. reprimand cannot be done in a good manner.)


Change into Passive voice

11. She solved all the questions. 

Explanation: All the questions were solved by her. 

12. She will not sing a song.

    A song was not sung by her
    A song is not sung by her.
    A song will not be sung by her.

ANSWER= (C) will not be sung
Explanation: A song will not be sung by her. 

Click here to attempt a Test of Singular and Plural Verb

13. He has given me money. 

ANSWER= (B) has been given
Explanation: Money has been given to me by him.

14. He could not pass the exam.

ANSWER= (C) could not be passed
Explanation: The exam could not be passed by him.

15. We did not pay the fee.


ANSWER= (B) was not paid
Explanation: .

Choose the correction preposition to fill in the blank.

16. She applied  ___ the principal for the job. 

ANSWER= (D) to
Explanation: She applied to the principal for the job. 

17. She was married ___ her cousin.

ANSWER= (D) to
Explanation: She was married to her cousin

Click here to learn the SIX BASIC RULES for correction


18. do you think she can stand it doctor said the mother

    o you think she can stand it doctor? " said the mother.
    o you think she can stand it, doctor?" said the mother.
    do you think she can stand it, doctor?" said the mother.

Explanation: "Do you think she can stand it, doctor?" said the mother.

19. The waves of humour and sadness swept  ___ him very often until tears fell. 

ANSWER= (C) over
Explanation: The waves of humour and sadness swept over him very often until tears fell.)

Watch a detailed video on YouTube: Punctuation Lesson 1 with Masood

Click here to attempt a Test of Singular and Plural Verb

20. A majority of the task in the class are done.

    ajority of the tasks in the class is done.
    ajority of the task in the class are done.
    Majority of the tasks in the class is done.

ANSWER= (D) is done 
Explanation: The majority of the task in the class is done.

21. No sooner did I reached there when it started raining.

    No sooner did I reach there than it starts raining.
    No sooner did I reach there than it started raining.
    No sooner did I reach there then it started raining.

Explanation: No sooner did I reach there than it started raining.

22. It lay with them, a third unbidden partner. 

    It lay with them, a third unbidden partner.

Explanation: It lay with them, a third unbidden partner.

23. well no perhaps not sir

    "Well, no perhaps not, sir."
    "Well, no, perhaps not sir.".

"Well, no, perhaps not, sir."

24. The chair's arm is broken.

    The arm of the chair is broken.
    The arm of the chair's is broken.

Explanation: The arm of the chair is broken. 

25. Entering the room, the door was closed.

    Entering the room, the door was closing.
    Entering the room, the door is closed.
    Entering the room, he close the door.

Explanation: Entering the room, he closed the door.

26. Two and two makes four.

    Two and two makes four.
    Two and two make four.

Explanation: Two and two make four.

27. He ran lest he may miss the train.

    He ran lest he may missing the train.
    He ran lest he should not miss the train.
    He ran lest he should miss the train.

Explanation: He ran lest he should miss the train. 

28. Need you have paying much? 

Explanation: Need you have paid much?

29. The teacher has taken the students a test. 

    The teacher has given the students test.
    The teacher has a test taken the students.

Explanation: The teacher has given the students a test.

30. She arosen an issue in the meeting.

    She arisen an issue in the meeting.
    She raised an issue in the meeting.
    She arises an issue in the meeting.

Explanation: She raised an issue in the meeting. 

31. She could not helping weeping. 

Explanation: She could not help weeping.

32. There is ____ among these politicians.  

Explanation: There is a black sheep among these politicians. 

33. These hens ___ eggs throughout the year.

Explanation: These hens lay eggs throughout the year. 
Transitive Verb: lay   laid   laid  laying. It needs an object

34. They have left their books in the library

Explanation: They have left their books in the library. 

35. He told them his name and they told him ___.

Explanation: He told them his name and they told theirs.
he         his                him        himself
she       her/hers      her         herself
I            my/mine      me        myself
you       your/yours    you        yourself/yourselves
our       our/ours        us            ourselves
they     their/theirs     them        themselves
one        one's            one            oneself
it               its                it                itself
who        whose           whom
that        whose            that
which    whose            which

36. The murderer was ___ on Sunday.

Explanation: The murderer was hanged on Sunday.

38. He ___ the picture on the wall.

Explanation: He hung the picture on the wall. 

39. The bell of the mobile aroused me.

Explanation: The bell of the mobile aroused me. 

40. I was aroused by the bell of the mobile.

Explanation: I was aroused by the bell of the mobile. 

41. He talked in favour to my plans.

Explanation: He talked in favour of my plans.

41. The Sun was about to setting, we returned home.

Explanation: The Sun was about to set, we returned home.

43. Pollution is a great menace to the environment.

Explanation: Pollution is a great menace to the environment.

44. Sitting on the grass, a scorpion stung him.

Explanation: Sitting on the grass, he was stung by a scorpion.

45. Opening the door, the handle was broken.

Explanation: Opening the door, he broke the the handle.

46. They enjoyed of the party.

Explanation: They enjoyed themselves at the party. (enjoy, resign, revenge, introduce are reflexive transitive verbs, they are used with reflexive pronouns, himself, themselves, herself etc.)

47. He knows swimming.

Explanation: He knows how to swim. (conjunction'how' is used with 'know' with it is operational and physical)

48. She is a M.A English.

Explanation: She is an M.A English. (M.A is giving here a woval sound, so an is used here)

49. She is very tired to walk.

Explanation: She is too tired to walk. ('too.... to' correlative conjunction is used. adverb 'very' is used with past participle- state of mind. She is very surprised)

Six basic rules for writing a good paragraph 

50. He had refused that he had told a lie.

Explanation: He denied that he had told a lie.


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