Verb Correction in English Grammar for all Ex.4

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Use | used to | be used to | get used to

Use | used to | be used to |get used to 

1. 'Use' as a Transitive verb 

In Active Voice (Simple Present Tense)

  • I use a computer to teach English to my students. (Simple present tense) 
میں اپنے طلباء کو انگریزی سکھانے کے لیے کمپیوٹر کا استعمال کرتا ہوں۔ 

Simple Past Tense
  • I used a computer to teach English to my students. (Simple past tense)
میں نے اپنے طالب علموں کو انگریزی سکھانے کے لیے کمپیوٹر کا استعمال کیا۔

In passive Voice

  • A computer is used to teach English to my students by me 
  • A computer was used to teach English to my students by me.

  طلبہ کو انگریزی سکھانے کے لیے کمپیوٹر کا استعمال کیا جاتا ہے۔

  طلبہ کو انگریزی سکھانے کے لیے ایک کمپیوٹر کا استعمال کیا گیا تھا۔

Simple Past Tense
1. I wrote a book. (AV)
میں نے ایک کتاب لکھی۔
A book was written by me. (PV)

Modal verb | used to| 
1. I used to write poems at school.
2. I used to play cricket at college.
 میں اسکول میں نظمیں لکھتا تھا۔
 میں کالج میں کرکٹ کھیلتا تھا۔

Be used to + Present participle
1. I am used to taking tea a lot these days.
2. I was used to driving a lot those days.

 میں ان دنوں چائے بہت پینے کا عادی ہوں۔
 میں ان دنوں بہت زیادہ گاڑی چلانے کا عادی تھا۔

get used to + Present Participle
1. If you offer prayers daily, you will get used to offering them regularly.
2. When he started reading books, he got used to reading a lot of books.

 اگر آپ روزانہ نماز پڑھتے ہیں تو آپ اسے باقاعدگی سے ادا کرنے کی عادت ڈالیں گے۔
 جب اس نے کتابیں پڑھنا شروع کیں تو اسے بہت سی کتابیں پڑھنے کی عادت پڑ گئی۔

Note. When you have already mentioned Modal verb, used to in the paragraph, then it will be replaced with 'would + bare' infinitive'

 نوٹ.  جب آپ پہلے ہی Modal verb کا ذکر کر چکے ہیں، جو پیراگراف میں استعمال ہوتا ہے، تو اسے 'would + bare' infinitive سے بدل دیا جائے گا۔

For example:
1. He used to mix water in the milk of the cow and would sell it in the market.
2. Mr Chips used to visit the school if the weather is mild and would watch the games.
 وہ گائے کے دودھ میں پانی ملا کر بازار میں بیچتا تھا۔
 اگر موسم ہلکا ہوتا تو مسٹر چپس اسکول جاتے تھے اور کھیل دیکھتے تھے۔

Worksheet 25
Choose the correct option
1. He used to ______ on foot when he went to school.
A) walk
B) walking 

2. He will get used to ______ on foot when he goes to school.
A) walk
B) walking

3.  He was used to ______ movies when was alone
A) watch
B) watching
4. He used to ______ a lot of books. 
A) read 
B) reading 

5. She was used to ______ the poor when she was young. 
A) help  
B) helping  

6. The house was used to ______ a hotel last year. 
A) be   
B) being 

7. I was used to ______ a lot in those days. 
A) drive
B) driving 
8. Matches were used to ______ by us.  
A) be playing
B) be played

9. If we read a page daily, we will get used to ______ regularly. 
A) read
B) reading

10. I used the computer ______ English to my students online.  
A) to teach    
B) teaching 

11. She used to ______ long hair, but now she has short hair.  
A) has
B) have  

12. They were used to ______ chess late at night. 
A) play
B) playing 

13. Ali used to ______ to school with his friends.  
A) walking
B) walk

14. Our teacher got used to ______ the lesson daily.  
A) revise
B) revising 

15. We had to learn by heart all the poems, so we got used to ______ them thoroughly. 
A) learning
B) learn

16. My grandma would ______ us the stories, and we used to listen to them.
A) read
B) reading

17. He got used to ______ poems in his childhood. 
A) write
B) writing 
18. If she goes for a walk daily, she will get used to ______  
A) walking
B) walk

19. He used to mix water in the milk and would ______ it in the market.
A) selling
B) sell

20. We used to ______ football in our school.  
A) play
B) playing 

Answers Worksheet 25
Choose the correct option
1. He used to ______ on foot when he went to school.
A) walk

2. He will get used to ______ on foot when he goes to school.
B) walking

3. He was used to ______ movies when was alone
B) watching
4. He used to ______ a lot of books. 
A) read 

5. She was used to ______ the poor when she was young.
B) helping  
6. The house was used to ______ a hotel last year. 
A) be   

7. I was used to ______ a lot in those days. 
B) driving 
8. Matches were used to ______ by us.  
B) be played

9. If we read a page daily, we will get used to ______ regularly. 
B) reading

10. I used the computer ______ English to my students online.  
A) to teach    

11. She used to ______ long hair, but now she has short hair.  
B) have  

12. They were used to ______ chess late at night. 
B) playing 

13. Ali used to ______ to school with his friends.  
B) walk

14. Our teacher got used to ______ the lesson daily.  
B) revising 

15. We had to learn by heart all the poems, so we got used to ______ them thoroughly. 
A) learning

16. My grandma would ______ us the stories, and we used to listen to them.
A) read

17. He got used to ______ poems in his childhood. 
B) writing 
18. If she goes for a walk daily, she will get used to ______  
A) walking

19. He used to mix water in the milk and would ______ it in the market.
B) sell

20. We used to ______ football in our school.  
A) play

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