Verb Correction in English Grammar for all Ex.4

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How to use Gerund in English

What is a Gerund?

A gerund 
is a form of the verb with the addition of ~ing. 
The main difference between Gerund and the Present Participle is that “Gerund” is a Verbal Noun.  

is from go, writing is from write, smoking is from smoke etc. It is used in different ways in English, such as

a. Gerund as an object of

a. Gerund as a Subject of the main verb:

1.   1. Smoking is a habit.     
2. Playing tennis is fun. 


     b. As an Object of the main verb:
1. Majid has stopped smoking.   

     2. We enjoy playing tennis. 
3. He is excited about playing tennis.

c. As an Object of a Preposition
1. His habit of smoking is disliked.
2. Maria is accused of smoking.

d. As a complement of the Subject

1. His habit is smoking. 
2. This novel is interesting.

e. As a Noun in Apposition
1. The bad habit, smoking, caused his death. 

    f. As a compound Noun

6.  1. The smoking area is reserved.

Present Participle

7.  1. We are playing tennis.
2. They were reading books.
3. He will be playing cricket.

& Present Participle Adjective

8.  1. I have heard some surprising news. (surprising is modifying a noun, news)
2. I am reading an interesting story. (interesting is modifying a noun, story)

    Worksheet 1

    Choose the correct option:

    1. They are working in a medicine firm. 'working' is 
A) Gerund
B) Present Participle 

. She enjoys chatting all the time. 'chatting' is 

A) Gerund
B) Present Participle 


    3. They have stopped shopping. 'shopping' is 
A) Gerund
B) Present Participle 

    4. They are working in a medicine firm. 'working' is 
A) Gerund
B) Present Participle 

    5. They are rowing the boats. 'rowing' is 
A) Gerund
B) Present Participle 

    Answers to Worksheet 1

    1(B)  2(A)     3(A)     4(A)    5(B)


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