Verb Correction in English Grammar for all Ex.4

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FLP 4-Use the Correct form of the Verbs- Essential Grammar in Use

FLP-4-MCQs for NMDCAT & NUMS | Set III  

1. Does he always ___ in time? 

ANSWER= (B) reach 
Explanation: Does he always reach in time?  (Simple Present)

2. I have already ___ the lesson.

ANSWER= (D) learnt
Explanation: I have already learnt the lesson. (Present Perfect Tense)

3. All of the girls ___ their homework.

ANSWER= (B) have not learnt
Explanation: All the girls have not learnt their homework. (Present Perfect Tense)

4. It ____ raining just now.

ANSWER= (A) has stopped
Explanation: It has stopped raining just now. (Present Perfect Tense)

5. I met ___ Miss Sara, and she was unknown to me. 

ANSWER= (B) a 
Explanation: Here Miss Sara is a common noun to me. So I met a Miss Sara

6. Have you noticed ____ mark on his arm? .

ANSWER= (C) the 
Explanation: Have you noticed the mark on his arm? ('mark' is specified here)

7. Gulliver's Travels ____ interesting book.

ANSWER= (B) is an
Explanation: Gulliver's Travels is an interesting book. (it is a tile of the book, so it takes a singular verb, 'is'

8. He has got ___ first position.  

ANSWER= (D) no article 
Explanation: No article before the positions. other 'the' is used before ordinal numbers, such as in The first two chapters.

9.  The first two chapters ____ difficult. 

ANSWER= (B) are
Explanation: The first two chapters are difficult

10. Smoking is injurious ____ health.  

ANSWER= (A)  to
Explanation: Smoking is injurious to health.

11. Sir John River was very popular ____ his colleagues.   

ANSWER= (D) with
Explanation: Here he is associated with. so Sir Joh River was very popular with his colleagues. 

12. Songs ____ by her.

ANSWER= (B) are sung
Explanation: Songs are sung by her

To learn more 

Click here to attempt a Test of Verb Correction Set II 

13. She ____ the money in the bank.   

ANSWER= (B) has laid 
Explanation: She has laid the money in the bank.

14. Shakespeare ___ his readers with puns on his words. 

ANSWER= (B) pleases
Explanation: Shakespeare pleases his readers with puns on his words.

15.He need not ____ about the issue. 

ANSWER= (C) worry
Explanation: He need not worry about the issue. Here 'need' is a Modal verb

16. ___ cow is a useful animal.  

Explanation: The cow is a useful animal. (here 'cow' represents the whole class of the world, it takes a definite article, 'The'

17. ___ time is a big healer.  

ANSWER= (D) no article 
Explanation: 'Time' is here a common noun, so no article is used.

Click here to learn the SIX BASIC RULES for correction

18. My father let me ___ the party tonight

ANSWER= (B) join
Explanation: My father let me join the party tonight.

19. I met him ten years ____

ANSWER= (C) ago 
Explanation: I met him ten years ago.

Watch a detailed video on YouTube: Verb correction with Masood

Click here to attempt a Test of Singular and Plural Verb

20. They have been married ___ twenty years

ANSWER= (B) for 
Explanation: They have been married for twenty years.

21. My friend ____ me before I asked him. 

    has helped

    will help

ANSWER= (B) had helped 
Explanation: My friend had helped me before I asked him. 

22. You had better ___ the hall.  

ANSWER= (B) leave
Explanation: You had better leave the hall. 

23. She is better than ____.

ANSWER= (B) he
Explanation: She is better than he

24. One of the players ____ unfit today.

ANSWER= (B) was
Explanation: One of the players was unfit today.   

25. He said that the earth ____ around the Sun.

ANSWER= (A)  revolves
Explanation: He said that the earth revolves around the Sun.

26. A stitch in time ___ nine.

ANSWER= (C) saves 
Explanation: A stitch in time saves nine.

27. She was married ___ her cousin.


ANSWER= (C) to 
Explanation: She was married to her cousin. 

28. He ran fastly when he heard the horn. 

    He ran too fastly when he heard the horn.

ANSWER= (D) He ran fast.
Explanation: He ran fast when he heard the horn.

29. The teacher made the students ____ the lecture.  

ANSWER= (C) note
Explanation: The teacher made the students note the lecture. 

30. She named her child Sara. 'named' is

ANSWER= (C) complex transitive verb 
Explanation: Complex transitive requires a direct object and an object complement. they painted their house purple. 'their house' is a direct object and 'purple' is the object complement. 

31. They buy many clothes. 'buy' is a

ANSWER= (A) monotransitive verb
Explanation: Monotransitive verb takes a direct object. 'clothes' is a direct object.

32. She lay in the bed. 'lay' is a/an 

     C) transitive

ANSWER= (B) intransitive verb
Explanation: Intransitive verb requires no object.  

33. They rated Micheal a worthy writer. 'rated' is a

ANSWER= (D) Complex Transitive Verb 
Explanation: 'a worthy writer' is the object complement and 'Micheal' is the object. 

34. He patted himself all over his front. 'pated' is a/an 

ANSWER= (D) reflexive transitive 
Explanation: Reflexive pronouns are connected to subjective pronouns. The action reflects back to the Subject. 

35. The baby coughed all the night. 'coughed' is a/an

ANSWER= (B) intransitive verb
Explanation: It takes no object. She slept. She runs fast. 

36. A crowd was ____ by the speech of the leader.

ANSWER= (B) aroused
Explanation: A coward was aroused by the speech of the leader.

38. The water ____ higher and higher.

ANSWER= (D) rose 
Explanation: The water rose higher and higher. 

39. They ___  stress on the peace. 

ANSWER= (B) laid
Explanation: They laid stress on the peace. 

40. They are ready to face all the challenges.  'challenges' means

ANSWER= (D) complaints
Explanation: a feeling or declaration of disapproval or dissent.

41. He had no qualms about taking a few days off. 'qualms' means

ANSWER= (B) misgiving
Explanation: a feeling of doubt or worry about whether what you are doing is right. 

41. Poor handwriting might prejudice people against the applicant. 'prejuidice' means

ANSWER= (D) bias
Explanation: to influence somebody so that they have an unfair or unreasonable opinion about somebody or something. 

43. Atiquette. correct spelling is

ANSWER= (C) Etiquette 
Explanation: correct spelling is ETIQUETTE.

44. Broshure. correct spelling is

ANSWER= (B) Brochure 
Explanation: The correct spelling is BROCHURE 

45. Schadule. correct spelling is

ANSWER= (C) Schedule
Explanation: The correct spelling is SCHEDULE

46. She loves ___ her kids.

ANSWER= (D) no preposition
Explanation: She loves her kids. 

47. Inquiry into the nature of things ___ one to understand the ground realities of life.  

ANSWER= (C) leads
Explanation: Subject-verb agreement. 'inquiry' is the main subject.

48. A man who always ___ and boats is like a garden full of weeds.

ANSWER= (B) talks
Explanation: A man is the main subject, so it takes a singular verb, talks

49. The teacher besides the students ____ a movie.

ANSWER= (B) is watching
Explanation: The teacher is a singular noun, so it takes a singular verb, 'is watching'

Watch a video of "100 important spellings with masood" on Youtube.

50. It is love that ____ the adversities into pleasures.

ANSWER= (C) changes 
Explanation: 'love' is a singular noun, so it takes a singular verb, 'changes'.


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