Verb Correction in English Grammar for all Ex.4

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Singular and Plural Verbs in English Grammar

Use of the Verb according to its Singular & Plural Subject

Singular| Plural

Verb     |  Verb 

   goes | go 

     has | have 

       is  | are 

    was | were 

  does | do 

Singular| Plural

    Noun| Noun

   a book| books

  a  child| children

         he | they 

      she  | they

       this | these 

       it    | these

      that | those 

woman | women

     men | men 

a. Singular Noun takes a singular verb 


  • He plays cricket 
  • She runs fast. 
  • A child wishes toys. 
  • She has many books. 
(plays, runs, wishes, writes, speaks etc.) are singular verbs

b. Plural Noun takes Plural Verb 


  • They play cricket 
  • They run fast. 
  • Children wish for the toys. 
  • They have many books.

(play, run, wish, make, write, speak, buy etc.) are Plural verbs

c. Plural Verb is used with (I, we, you, & they) 


  • We play cricket 
  • You run fast. 
  • I wish toys. 
  • We have many books.

d. Plural verb is used with (do, does, did, shall, & will)


  • We  don't play cricket 
  • You don't run fast. 
  • He doesn't wish for any toys
  • She didn't not waste her time. 
  • She will come tomorrow. 
  • They will play the match.

e. Only Plural Verb is used after 'did' /2nd form of the verb & 'had' with all Nouns, singular or plural, in the Past Tense 


  • We  didn't play cricket 
  • You didn't run fast. 
  • He had many balls.
  • She had my book.
  • They had not any money.

f. Past Participle (3rd form of the verb) is used after has, have, & had.


  • We have done our homework.
  • You had not seen me before I left the hall.
  • He has worked hard.
  • She has posted the letter.

Worksheet No 1

Use singular or plural verbs to fill the blanks.

1. He has ____  a good job. (do)
2. They do not  ____ their time. (waste)
3. She doesn't  ____ any book. (write)
4. You will not  ____ here. (come)
5. I  ____ not there. (be)
6. They were not  ____  cricket. (be play)
7. I don't  ____ the poem. (learn)
8. She has not  ____ to my letter. (reply)
9. We had  ____ all the posts. (post)
10. She didn't  ____ any notes. (write)
11. Ali has  ____ many jobs. (do)
12. Children do not 
 ____ a noise. (make)
13. Sara doesn't 
 ____  any book. (translate)
14. You will not 
 ____  tennis. (play)
15. You 
 ____ not there. (be)
16. All the boys were not 
 ____ cricket. (be play)
17. Nobody doesn't 
 ____  the poem. (learn)
18. Why have you not 
 ____ to my letters? (reply)
19. They had 
 ____ their house. (paint)
20. It 
 ____ in summer. (rain)

Answers to the Worksheet 1

1. He has done a good job. 
2. They do not waste their time. 
3. She doesn't write any book. 
4. You will not come here. 
5. I was not there. 
6. They were not playing cricket. 
7. I don't learn the poem. 
8. She has not replied to my letter. 
9. We had posted all the posts. 
10. She didn't write any notes. 
11. Ali has done many jobs. 
12. Children do not make a noise. 
13. Sara doesn't translate any book. 
14. You will not play tennis. 
15. You were not there.
16. All the boys were not playing cricket. 
17. Nobody doesn't learn the poem. 
18. Why have you not replied to my letters? 
19. They had painted their house. 
20. It rains in summer.

Set II
 1. Two lines of the poem _____ our attention. (draw) 
2. Inquiry of all classes ____ been done. (has) 
3. A good student ____ something new daily. (learn) 
4. Some images _____ broken images. ( be) 
5. I ____ unfamiliar with the word, 'failure' (be) 
6. Life ____ hard work and perseverance. (need) 
7. My grandmother ____ me much. (love)
8. One who is lazy,  will soon _____  (decay)
9. All the rhyming words _____ beautifully used. (be) 
10. You and your friends ____ good knowledge of happiness. (have) 
Answers to Set II
1. draw 2. has been done
3. learns 4. are 5. am 
6. needs 7. loves 8. decay 
9. are 10. have


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