Verb Correction in English Grammar for all Ex.4

quiz in Javascript Self-Assessment Test 4 Choose the correct option verb Question of Next Good Try! You've Got out of answers correct! That's Try again until you get all green View Forms of the Verbs Self-Assessment Test - Verb Correction No.3 Self-Assessment Test - Subject-verb Agreement Test No.1 Self-Assessment Test - Verb Correction No.2

Weekly Test No 4 -Correct Use of Form of Verb - Present Tesnes for all classes

Q.1 Choose the Correct Form of  the Verb

1. He always _____ hard during the exam. ( work)

2. He does not _____ a large poem. (write)

3. Does he _____ any book? (has)

4. I have _____ my homework. (do)

5. Where do you _____ in the town? (live)

6. She is _____ a beautiful song now. (sing)

7. I ____ not ____ my time in gossips. (waste)

8. she never ____ a lie to her parents. (tell)

9. Has he _____ many books? (have)

10. She does not _____ any money today. (have)

11. We have _____ the match since morning. (watch)

12. It has _____ since morning. (rain)

13. _____ you already ____ this book? (read)

14. We _____ not _____ a noise in the class now. (make)

15. All the girls _____ not ____ their work at present. (do)

16. She has ____ many types of notes. (have)

Q.2 Make sentences of 





Solution of Test No 4

Q.1 Choose the Correct Form of  the Verb

1. He always works hard during the exam. ( work)

2. He does not have a large poem. (write)

3. Does he have any books? (has)

4. I have done my homework. (do)

5. Where do you live in the town? (live)

6. She is singing a beautiful song now. (sing)

7. I do not waste my time in gossips. (waste)
   Other options:

   I  have not wasted...

   I  am not wasting...

   I  have been wasting..

8. She never tells a lie to her parents. (tell)

9. Has he had many books? (have)

10. She does not have any money today. (have)

11. We have been watching the match since morning. (watch)

12. It has been raining since morning. (rain)

13. Have you already read this book? (read)

14. We are not making a noise in the class now. (make)

15. All the girls are not doing their work at present. (do)

16. She has had many types of notes. (have)

Q.2 Make sentences of:

bridal: She looks very beautiful in her bridal dress.

bridle: Hold the bridle of the horse.

cattle: The cattle are grazing in the fields.

kettle: Water is boiling in the kettle.

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Test No 2 Use of correct form of the verb

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