Verb Correction in English Grammar for all Ex.4

quiz in Javascript Self-Assessment Test 4 Choose the correct option verb Question of Next Good Try! You've Got out of answers correct! That's Try again until you get all green View Forms of the Verbs Self-Assessment Test - Verb Correction No.3 Self-Assessment Test - Subject-verb Agreement Test No.1 Self-Assessment Test - Verb Correction No.2

Test No 1-Change the voice of the following sentences- BISE Gujranwala

Test No 1

Q.1 Change the voice 

1. He writes a letter to me.

2. They don't sing songs.

3. I write poems.

4. We buy many things.

5. I help my friends.

6. He does her work daily.

7. She loves her family.

8. She brings her lunch daily.

9. We play cricket in the evening.

10. He learns his lesson daily.

11. He takes tea daily.

12. You have not replied my letter.

13. She has eaten the meal.

14. I love my country.

15. They don't pay the charge.

16. I have paid my fee.

17. She loves the gadgets.

18. Do we not help the poor?

19. Why don't you study your schedule?

20. When do take your breakfast?

Answers to Test No 1

1.  A letter is to me by him.

2. Songs are not sung by them. 

3. Poems are written by me.

4. Many things are bought by us.

5. My friends are helped by me.

6. Her work is done by her daily.

7. Her family is loved by her.

8. Her lunch is brought by her daily.

9. Cricket is played by us in the evening.

10. His lesson is learnt by him daily.

11. Tea is taken by him daily.

12. My letter is not replied by you.

13. The meal has been eaten by her.

14. My country is loved by me.

15. The charge is not paid by me.

16. My fee has been have paid by me.

17. The gadgets are loved by her.

18. Are the poor not helped by us?

19. Why is your schedule not studied by you? 

20. When is  your breakfast taken by you?


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