
Showing posts from May, 2022

Verb Correction in English Grammar for all Ex.4

quiz in Javascript Self-Assessment Test 4 Choose the correct option verb Question of Next Good Try! You've Got out of answers correct! That's Try again until you get all green View Forms of the Verbs Self-Assessment Test - Verb Correction No.3 Self-Assessment Test - Subject-verb Agreement Test No.1 Self-Assessment Test - Verb Correction No.2

SAT I - Solution of the Paper- for MDCAT & NUMS

SAT I MAY 2002  SPOT THE ERROR 116. His argument was good but her is better .           A                                        B               C          D A)  B)  C)  D)  ANSWER= (C) hers  Explanation: Pocessess Pronoun 'hers' is used without a noun. For example, This is my per and that is yours. I have my books she has hers. Check Answer Click here to attempt a Test of "Pocessessive Pronouns & Pocessessive Prounou Adjective 117. When I am forty-five I would be a coal miner for twenty-two years .                          A                              B                                             C                              D A)  B)  C)   D )  ANSWER= (B) will  Explanation: Future Indefinite with Present Tense . We shall play when they come. When you invite us, we shall attend the part. Check Answer Click here to attempt Conditional Sentences 3. It was her who was to receive the award.     A          B   

Choose the correct option -Parts of Speech- in English Grammar

Parts of speech in the English language  Basic Parts of Speech in English  1. Noun  A naming word, such as pen, teacher, rose, city etc. 2. Verb An action or state/linking of a Noun, such as ' T he pen writes', 'write' is an action, He is a good teacher. 'is' a linking verb as it links 'he' to 'teacher 3. Pronoun A word which is used instead of a noun, such as 'John is a good teacher.' and 'he is a good teacher.' 'he' is a pronoun. 4. Adjective A word that defines a noun or pronoun, such as 'John is a good teacher.' 'good' is an adjective that defines a noun, 'teacher'. 5. Adverb A word that defines a verb, adjective, and adverb itself, such as 'John sings beautifully. 'beautifully' defines the verb, 'sings'.  'John sings a good song.' and 'Jonh sings a very good song.' Here   'very' defines an adjective, 'good'. 'John sings a very good song very